Just Love

I got a phone call the other day

As the sunset’s painting was fading away

And when I heard the voice I saw her face

My dear friend, Lauren, who brings me grace

Even from another time and place

Well, we hadn’t touched in a year and a half

So we shared our stories, shared our laughs

Our descents into grief and dedication

To living our truth and inspiration

Oh, we’re healing our creations

And in my life, I think of her much

She healed me so deeply with her loving touch

And as she told me of her wondrous growth

It was her friendships that struck me the most

It was her friendships that struck me the most

“Oh, Lauren, what can I do

So I can have friends like you?”

She said, “If you want friends like me

Well, Z, it’s so easy

You just…just love”

So I asked my friend Lauren

“How do you have such good friends

That love you without a doubt

If you laugh or cry, or flee or shout

“And want to feel when you feel

And pray everyday for you to heal

And cherish you with all their might

And smile when you’re in sight?”

Oh, they smile when you’re in sight

“Oh, Lauren, how can it be

That you have a friend like me?”

After a pause, she told me true

And well, it was nothing new

“I just…just love”

I have this message to send

To all you dear friends

“I love you without a doubt

If you laugh or cry, or flee or shout

“And I want to feel when you feel

I pray every day for you to heal

I cherish you with all my might

And I smile when you’re insight”

Oh, I smile when you’re insight

“Oh, Lauren, how is it true

That I have a friend like you?”

Laughing, she said, “Don’t you see?

‘Cause Dwayne, it’s so plain to me

You just…just love”

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